Keewaydin Foundation Privacy Policy, Data Protection and Confidentiality Procedures

The Keewaydin Foundation is required, by law, to ensure the protection of personal data on its campers, parents, alumni, staff, and other interested parties. Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Different pieces of information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitute personal data.

All volunteers are required to:

  • Sign a written consent that they have reviewed and accept Keewaydin’s Privacy Policy; and
  • Agree to abide by the Data Protection procedures described within this document, where applicable to them.

Privacy Policy
In July, 2019, The Keewaydin Foundation Board of Directors approved a Privacy Policy which applies to all staff, board members, and volunteers who have been given authorization to access personal information that it collects on the various constituencies served by the Keewaydin Foundation. Click here to view the Privacy Policy.

Data Protection Procedures:
Receiving Personal Data from the Keewaydin Foundation
The Keewaydin Foundation takes protective steps to ensure that the personal information collected and stored on our constituents is shared only on an as-needed basis, and through secure encrypted sources. Staff will share information only through the use of a password protected source, and only after they have received approval from related Camp-Program Director or the Executive Director of the Foundation.

Proper Handling of Personal Data Shared by the Keewaydin Foundation

  • When working with personal data, volunteers are asked to ensure the screens of their computers are always locked when left unattended;
  • Personal data provided by the Foundation is not to be shared with anyone without the
    documented approval of the Keewaydin staff member authorized to provide you with personal information;
  • Data must be encrypted before being transferred electronically. This can be done through Google Docs;
  • Volunteers should not save copies of personal data to their own computers. Always access and update personal information through Google Docs or other sources approved by Foundation staff; and
  • Volunteers may not use or disclose personal data for their personal or professional purposes.

Volunteer Confidentiality:
Confidentiality is the preservation of privileged information. By necessity personal and private information is disclosed in a professional working relationship with our volunteers. Part of what you learn is necessary to provide services to our constituencies; other information is shared within the development of a helping, trusting relationship. Therefore, most information gained about individuals through an assignment is confidential in terms of the law, and disclosure could make you legally liable. Disclosure could also damage your relationship with the Keewaydin Foundation.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received, reviewed and understand the Keewaydin Foundation’s Privacy Policy. Further, I have received, reviewed, and understand the Keewaydin Foundation’s Data Protection Procedures and its Confidentiality Policy.

Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement

This form is to be sent to all volunteers that are using data provided to them from the Keewaydin Foundation.

  • By typing your name below you agree that you are signing this form.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY